Publication Information

Instructions for paper preparation for the proceedings

The authors of an accepted abstract are asked to provide a written contribution for the symposium proceedings. The contributions will be published by AIP, in their conference proceedings series, after a peer review process. Submitted papers must be original work, which has not been previously published, associated with a symposium topic.

The AIP single column 8.5 x11 inch style will be used in the proceedings. We kindly ask the authors to use the templates available here for preparing the paper.

The maximum length will be 8 pages for poster and 10 pages for oral contributions. All papers must be a minimum of 4 pages to comply with AIP publication requirements. It is also necessary to add a copyright release to each paper signed by at least one author. Copyright release forms are included in the author templates package.

The manuscripts are to be submitted before the start of the symposium by e-mail to


The deadline for the submission of the manuscripts for the proceedings is October 2, 2014.


Symposium attendees are asked to assist the local organizing committee by agreeing to review a submitted paper. The reviewer report deadline is November 3, 2014 (3 weeks after the end of the conference).


The book of the symposium proceedings, printed in black and white, will be distributed to all registered participants using the address they provided at the time of registration. An online version, with open access, will be simultaneously published with the book. The open access proceedings will be permanently free-to-read and available to researchers worldwide without any fee to access or download the papers. Please note that color graphics will be available only in the online version. No CD version of the proceedings will be produced.

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