19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19)

Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission

Abstracts will be evaluated by the International Programme Committee. Oral presentations will be selected based on the quality of the submitted abstract. Nevertheless please indicate if you want to have your contribution to be considered for selection as short oral presentation.

The deadline for abstract submission is 11th May 2012.

To prepare your abstract please use the LaTeX or MS Word templates provided. Please do not change style, fonts and size and restrict yourself to one page. A pdf version is also available to check the intended outcome. Please entitle your files with your name and a keyword identifying the content.

Abstracts are accepted preferably in pdf. Ideally please also send the original LaTeX or MS Word files with it. Please try to keep the file size small.

Submit your files electronically as an attachment to iisc-19@ipp.mpg.de. In the subject line please state "IISC-19 - abstract submission". Please note that abstracts sent via fax or regular mail will not be processed.

The corresponding author will be notified about abstract acceptance as a poster contribution or as an oral contribution via e-mail by the end of May. Please note: Only abstracts for which one of the authors (usually the presenting author/corresponding) is registered will be included in the final program!

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