Highlights 2015

Research news from the division Plasma Edge and Wall

Virtual Institute on Turbulence Research was successful in mid-term review

The E2M led Helmholtz Virtual Institute (VI) on "Plasma dynamical processes and turbulence studies using advanced microwave diagnostics" was awarded the highest grade "A" in June this year during a mid-term review by the HGF. This means the VI will continue to be funded for the next 2 to 3 years without further conditions. Under the umbrella of the VI several international fusion laboratories and universities have been brought together to investigate critical issues in the study of turbulent plasma transport in fusion devices.

A particular emphasis, or target, of the VI is the coupling of experiment and theory to advance the understanding of plasma turbulence and transport. In the frame of the VI, 13 PhD students are engaged on various research topics, as well as the installation and operation of numerous new microwave-based diagnostics on ASDEX Upgrade, in close collaboration with our research partners. The figure below shows a recent high temporal resolution result on the evolution of the density profile during the L-H transition using the ultra-fast swept reflectometer installed and operated on ASDEX Upgrade by a joint PhD student from CEA and IPP. Further information can be found here:

Nucl. Fusion 55 (2015) 083027 - http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/55/083027

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