Home Events Conferences and workshops Christoph Pitzal, "Low-collisionality extension of the edge turbulence fluid code GRILLIX"-- Brando Rettino, "Gyrokinetic investigation of linear and non-linear excitation of energetic particle driven instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade" + DPG posters Christoph Pitzal, "Low-collisionality extension of the edge turbulence fluid code GRILLIX"-- Brando Rettino, "Gyrokinetic investigation of linear and non-linear excitation of energetic particle driven instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade" + DPG posters TOK Seminar Date: Mar 15, 2023 Time: 12:30 PM (Local Time Germany) Speakers: Christoph Pitzal und Brando Rettino Location: IPP Room: Seminarraum L5 und Zoom