First results and future of IShTAR
The first plasma in IShTAR was produced on November 23rd 2013 with Argon at a power of 400 W. In the meanwhile, the power generator has been upgraded and can deliver up to 3 kW.
The first tests with the Langmuir probe carried out by The Laboratoire des Plasmas from Universite de Lorraine show that, without optimization (in inductive mode), the plasma source can produce a density of 1015 m-3 in Argon (density measured at the end of the plasma tube, far from the source).
Future work will consist in improving the level of density and in analyzing the interaction of the plasma with an ICRF antenna.
The facility is in constant development and improvement. Among the new features expected for 2015, we plan:
- to upgrade the instrumentation with a Langmuir probe manipulator to radially scan the density and the plasma potential
- to install a new ICRF antenna mock-up
- to start operation with hydrogen
This will make IShTAR to a unique facility to investigate both ICRF wave coupling with the plasma and the operation of large plasma sources.