
To book a specific hotel it is recommended to contact the hotel directly or use a booking platform such as or


An additional option is to make use of the Greifswald Tourism Agency "Greifswald Information" which books accommodations according to the booking form (available on the right).

Different hotels have reserved contingents  for "IAEATM2017" until 31 March 2017. A list of these hotels is provided in the PDF file in the right column of this page and each hotel's location is indicated on one of the two maps below this. 

Please send an e-mail with your booking form to .

Greifswald Information

Rathaus / Markt

Tel: +49 3834 8536 1383

Fax: +49 3834 8536 1382



A third option is the IPP guesthouse near the institute (850 m). For more information see IPP guesthouse.

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