IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research
Frequently asked questions
To whom is the Summer University addressed?
IPP Summer University is intended for physics and engineering students who have passed their bachelor (undergraduate) courses.
Is post-deadline registration possible?
No, this is not possible. The online registration system automatically expires after 31st May.
How are applicants selected?
On the basis of the grades reported in university certificates and the CV.
What is the procedure for submitting certificates and CV?
Please upload university certificates and CV during online registration as pdf files. If certificates are not already in English or German, applicants must provide a supplementary translation of the relevant parts. The translation can be done by the applicant. Please make sure that the grades of your university exams are clearly stated on the certificates.
If I do not receive my certificate before the application deadline, what can I do?
You may still apply on condition that you submit the certificates before mid-July. Please, clearly state in the application that you will send the certificates before mid-July.
When is the status of my application notified?
Our final decision will be announced at the beginning of July.
Is a participation certificate issued?
A certificate of participation is provided on the last day of the Summer University.
What about accommodation?
The costs of accommodation, food and social events are covered by IPP. You will be accommodated in double or triple rooms in a nearby hotel. Check-in and check-out times together with the hotel address are provided in the acceptance email.
Can I extend my stay at the hotel?
If you plan to arrive before 10th September or leave after 15th September, you have to organize and pay the extension of your stay by yourself.
What about fee?
In the admission email you are asked to remit by bank transfer 50 euros as participation fee. The receipt of your fee payment is presented on the last day of the Summer University. The fee is non-refundable.
What about travel?
Travel has to be organized and paid by participants. Your travel costs will not be reimbursed by IPP.