Nuclear Fusion Award 2007 to Scientist from IPP

Best publication

March 15, 2008

This year’s Nuclear Fusion Award, presented by the “Nuclear Fusion“ journal for the best publication of 2004, went to Dr. Clemente Angioni, a scientist in the Tokamak Theory Division of Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics at Garching. This was for his publication, “Density response to central electron heating: theoretical investigations and experimental observations in ASDEX Upgrade“, in Nuclear Fusion 44 (8), pages 827-845.

“The dependence of density profile on plasma parameters is a key area of research with implications for fusion performance in ITER and the understanding of turbulent transport in high temperature plasmas“, stated Paul Thomas, editor of “Nuclear Fusion“. “Angioni et al. deal with the long-existing issue of density flattening, or density pump-out, with central electron heating. The paper presents a superb combination of theory, modelling and experimental observation“. The prize, endowed with 2500 euros, is to be presented at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Geneva in October.

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