International Symposium on New Directions in Plasma Astrophysics
- Start: Nov 20, 2019
- End: Nov 22, 2019
- Location: IPP Garching, H1, WL-Saal
International Symposium
The Max Planck Society has started an initiative to review cutting-edge research across a wide range of fields and identify novel and exciting research topics. In this context, the Max Planck Institutes for Plasma Physics, Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, and Physics are jointly organizing an international symposium on New Directions in Plasma Astrophysics on November 20-22, 2019 in Garching near Munich.
As is widely known, most of the visible Universe is in a turbulent, magnetized plasma state. Consequently, many key open questions in astrophysics and astroparticle physics involve plasma physics in a crucial way, from the acceleration and propagation of high-energy cosmic rays to the role of turbulence and magnetic fields in the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets. In this context, the confluence of new capabilities in observation, laboratory experiments, as well as theory and simulation offers exciting new research opportunities in the years to come.
At the symposium, we will have talks and discussions on the physics of cosmic rays, cosmic and laboratory plasma accelerators, astrophysical turbulence and magnetic fields, laboratory plasma astrophysics, and high-energy astrophysics. The symposium will consist of talks by 18 leading experts in these fields, plus ample time for discussion.