13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference
Manuscripts of the invited presentations and of selected contributions will be published in Physica Scripta.
The manuscripts will be refereed according to the standards of this journal.
Download: Information to Authors
Paper length
Only original works of high quality and not published before in scientific journals will be considered for publication.
Page Limit:
6 journal pages for invited and 4 journal pages for contributed works.
One journal page corresponds to 900 words.
> Six pages - 5400 words including title, author list and affiliations,
abstract (max 150 words), references.
> Four pages - 3600 words including title, author list affiliations,
abstract (max 150 words), references.
The space occupied by an average single column figure or table can be considered as the equivalent of 300 words.
Manuscript format
- Paper must be written in clear English
- Double spacing and 12-point font (Times New Roman, Helvetica or Arial)
- Figures and tables with captions should be clearly numbered and printed on separate pages (i.e. not inside the text)
- Figure captions should be included on a separate page
PACS Number
PACS Number should be given on the first page below the affiliations. Please check the PACS reference list and select the most appropriate number(s) corresponding to the discipline of your paper.
Equations, formulas, units
- Equations and formulas should be numbered like this: (1), (2), etc.
- Please use SI units
- Please include a list of references to relevant accessible books issued in English and papers published in high-rank international journals.
- References to proceedings of local conferences, private communications, internal reports, internal notes, round table discussions, papers in preparation and other unpublished (therefore impossible to find) material must be strictly avoided.
- References should be numbered (like this: [1] [3-5], etc.) consecutively as they appear in the text.
- List of references should be given at the end of the manuscript and numbered (like this: [1] [2] [3] etc.). Please observe the manner of citation and use this style when editing the manuscript. This will help technical editors of Physica Scripta and will certainly speed up the publication process.
Article with max. three authors
[1] Okuno K, Shikov A and Koizumi N 2004 J. Nucl. Mater. 329 - 333 141
Article with a long list of authors
[2] Federici G et al 2001 Nucl. Fusion 41 1967
Article in press
[3] Kubota N et al 2006 Ion and neutron beam analysis of hydrogen isotopes for the TFTR tiles used in D-T experiments Fusion Eng. Des. at press
Review volume
[4] ITER Physics Basis 1999 Nucl. Fusion 39 2137
Major Conferences
[5]. Author V et al YEAR Full Title Full Conference Name, Location, Country, Presentation number or volume, page(s) other important details.
[6] Chu W K, Mayer M and Nicolet M A 1978 Backscattering Spectroscopy (New York: Academic)
[7] Tesmer J R and Nastasi M (ed) 1995 Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Analysis (Pittsburg, PA: Materials Research Society)
- Please bring with you to conference site at Rosenheim three hard copies of high quality.
- Please bring with you the filled cover page (.pdf)
including length estimation. - Do NOT send your paper directly to the Physica Scripta office in Stockholm.
- After the final acceptance of your paper you will be informed about the method of electronic submission.
Page due: 9 May 2011
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