13th PFMC Workshop / 1st FEMaS Conference

Scope and Topics

The performance of fusion devices and of a future fusion power plant critically depends on the materials and components selected for the first wall facing the plasma. Resistance to local heat and particle loads, thermomechanical properties, as well as the response to neutron damage of the selected materials are critical parameters which need to be understood and tailored from atomistic to component levels. The 13th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications addresses these issues and co-organises the event together with the 1st International Conference on Fusion Materials Science, focusing on advanced materials science and characterisation.

Among the topics of the joint conference recent developments and research results in the following fields are addressed:

  • carbon, beryllium, and tungsten based materials
  • mixed materials
  • erosion and redeposition
  • high heat flux component development
  • benchmarking of radiation damage modelling
  • synchrotron and neutron based characterization techniques
  • application of advanced TEM and micro-/nano-mechanical testing

Selected international speakers will present overview lectures and treat detailed aspects of the given topics. Contributed papers to the subjects of the workshop are solicited for oral and poster presentations.

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