19th International Workshop on Inelastic Ion-Surface Collisions (IISC-19)


The conference proceedings will be published by Elsevier Publ. in a special (but consecutively numbered) issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms (NIM B). Regular participants (full registration fee) will receive a hard copy of this special issue.

Manuscript submission

Authors must submit their papers electronically using the Elsevier Editorial System (EES). When asked for the 'Article Type', please be sure to select 'Special Issue – IISC-19 Workshop'. Electronic submission will be opened on 10 September 2012.

In addition, two hard copies of the manuscript, together with the Manuscript Cover Sheet, must be submitted during the workshop. More details about manuscript preparation and submission can be found in the Authors’ Guide. Elsevier also provides a LaTeX environment for formatting your manuscripts.

In order to keep up the proceedings quality there is no size limit, neither for invited papers nor for contributed papers. We therefore ask all authors to prepare a full journal paper of appropriate length. Although there is no upper size limit for the manuscripts authors should aim for AT LEAST four printed pages for their contributions.

Only manuscripts of contributions presented at the conference will be considered for publication. Submission of a manuscript implies that it has not been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Paper reviewing

It is our intention as Guest Editors that reviewing of papers submitted to the workshop is of the same high standard as that of regular papers submitted to NIM B. To guarantee this high quality two reviewers will be selected to evaluate the submitted manuscripts. For reviewers, guidelines for manuscript evaluation are available.

Papers will be reviewed by referees who will not necessarily be selected among conference participants. When submitting papers, authors are invited to provide the names of potential reviewers. Due to close scheduling in the editing and publishing processes, manuscripts requiring extensive modifications (regarding length, contents or language) and a second round of reviewing may have to be rejected.

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