IPP Summer University on Plasma Physics and Fusion Research
26 - 30 September, 2011, IPP Greifswald, Germany
The course will cover the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion. The following lectures will be offered:
- basics of plasma physics and of nuclear fusion
- kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma
- concepts, experimental results and optimization of tokamaks and stellarators
- heating and diagnostics of a fusion device
- plasma wall interaction and wall material research
- safety and environmental aspects of fusion
- inertial fusion
- astrophysical plasmas
- ITER and the next steps towards a reactor.
Venue of the summer university is the Greifswald branch of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) where the superconducting stellarator experiment Wendelstein 7-X is being prepared. The course will include a tour to the laboratories and assembly of Wendelstein 7-X and its periphery.
The Hanseatic town of Greifswald with the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University (EMAU) founded in 1456 is now hosting more than 12000 students, a number which increased rapidly over the past few years. The presence of three plasma physics research institutes makes Greifswald unique: the Institute of Physics at the University with a long tradition in plasmas physics, the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research Technology (INP) and the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP). An International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) was established jointly by these institutes. It provides an interdisciplinary graduate program "plasma in contact with boundaries" combining plasma physics, fusion research, computational physics and surface science.
One goal of the Summer University is to promote an exchange of views among the coming generation of European scientists. Opportunities for discussions with lecturers and students will be provided between the sessions, in the evening and during an excursion to the Historical Technical Information Center in Peenemünde.
The course is being held for physics students registered at a European university who have passed their basic courses and have not yet started a doctoral (PhD) thesis. The lectures will be presented in English, lecture notes will be provided to all students. The cost of accommodation will be covered, and subsidies for food will be granted. Limited funds are available for travel expenses. The course is limited to 60 participants.
The deadline for applications is May 31, 2011. Required documents include a high school leaving certificate, evidence of basic physics study and a short curriculum vitae. Applicants will be notified as of beginning or mid of July 2011.
Beate Kemnitz
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
– Branch Greifswald –
Wendelsteinstraße 1
Greifswaldphone: +49 3834 88-1203
e-mail: summeruni@ipp.mpg.de
Scientific Programme:
Dr. Ralf Kleiber, Dr. Roberto Bilato
Beate Kemnitz, Antje Lorenz, Christina Stahlberg
In case of questions, please feel free to contact us!