Highlights 2023
- 01.02.2023: Investigation of the heat load on the first wall in ASDEX Upgrade for ITER scenarios
- 22.3.2023: E2M scientist receives EUROfusion grant
- 11.4.2023: New discovery points the way to more compact fusion power plants
- 08.05.2023: Insight into L-H transition physics by high resolution Er measurements in the plasma edge of ASDEX Upgrade
- 01.06.2023: Unexpected isotopic dependence of access threshold found for high energy confinement plasmas
- 4.7.2023: Forward-looking studies on heat removal for reactor concepts successfully carried out at ASDEX Upgrade
- 28.09.2023: Mechanical tests contribute to a better understanding of the deformation behaviour of tungsten
- 10.11.2023: EUROfusion Engineering Grant for the development of high-tech tungsten-copper materials for plasma-facing components