8. Career Dialogue "Prof. Benedikt Geiger - co-Principal Investigator of the HSX stellarator experiment at UW-Madison, Wisconsin"
Career Dialogue
- Date: Jul 15, 2021
- Time: 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Benedikt Geiger
- co-Principal Investigator of the HSX stellarator experiment at UW-Madison, Wisconsin
- Location: Zoom
- Room: For zoom details write an email to careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
- Host: Career Center
- Contact: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
Benedikt Geiger studied physics at Ludwig Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany) and wrote his PhD thesis “Fast-ion transport studies using FIDA spectroscopy at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zohm (IPP Garching). After being Post-Doc in Garching for two more years, he transitioned to IPP Greifswald where he started working at the W7-X stellarator project. In 2016, he received funding for a Helmholtz young investigators group to study particle transport in W7-X and ASDEX Upgrade and in 2019, he was offered an Assistant Professorship at UW-Madison, Wisconsin. Since then, Benedikt Geiger is working in Madison as a co-Principal Investigator of the HSX stellarator experiment and leads a research group that additionally studies plasma transport at the DIII-D tokamak and at W7-X. In 2020, he received an Early Career Award by the Department of Energy for heat and particle transport studies in stellarators.