GitLab at MPCDF
MPCDF Workshop
- Date: Sep 1, 2022
- Time: 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: MPCDF Application group
- Location: online
- Room: Zoom
- Host: MPCDF
- Contact:
2nd part on October 6th, 15:30-16:30
The next seminar in our monthly online-lecture series “Meet MPCDF” will be held on September 1st, 15:30-16:30 on zoom. During this event our GitLab instance will be introduced, addressing its known and less-well-known features.
Also the subsequent issue of “Meet MPCDF” (on October 6th, 15:30-16:30) is related to GitLab, when we will present a talk about “Going public with your code”. The seminar will address various questions and decisions that may become relevant in preparation of sharing your own code with other developers and the public, such as licensing, software management and quality assurance (automatic tests, continuous integration, etc.).
For “Meet MPCDF” events, no registration is necessary, the connection details can be found on the MPCDF training website.