CC-Workshop "Next Level Scientific Writing with AI"

Career Center Workshop

  • Date: Sep 18, 2023
  • Time: 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr. habil. Daniel Mertens
  • Location: online
  • Room: Zoom
  • Host: Career Center
  • Contact:
CC-Workshop "Next Level Scientific Writing with AI"
AI-based tools are a next level valuable asset for scientific writing, but it is important for researchers to use them judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations.

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AI-based tools have the potential to revolutionize scientific writing and enable researchers to work more efficiently and effectively. An example is AI-powered literature search tools that substantially help researchers identify relevant articles and assess their quality, streamlining the research process.
AI-based tools are a next level valuable asset for scientific writing, but it is important for researchers to use them judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations.

The following topics will be covered:
1. Introduction to AI in scientific writing: basics of AI, how it works, and how it can be applied to scientific writing.
2. Brainstorming: tools for generating ideas, and outlining the possible content.
3. Literature search and quality assessment: techniques for conducting a literature review, including searching and evaluation of the quality and relevance of the literature.
4. AI-powered writing tools: This section will cover specific AI-powered writing tools that can aid in scientific writing, i.e. language models for automated summarization, paraphrasing, and text generation.
5. Promoting research: AI tools for supplying and enhancing press releases, social media, and other forms of outreach.
6. Ethical considerations: This section will cover ethical considerations related to the use of AI in scientific writing, such as issues related to plagiarism, data privacy, and bias.
7. Case studies and hands-on exercises: Throughout the workshop, we will include case studies and hands-on exercises to help participants apply the concepts and tools to their own scientific research communication.

Although the range of tools is currently expanding exponentially, at the current stage we will discuss and use the following tools: for finding papers, extracting key claims, summarizing, and brainstorming ideas, for enhanced literature review by providing interactive summaries of key information about those papers in an interactive table, for generating and summarizing text, for brainstorming and texting, for detecting AI-based writing.

However, this list is subject to constant updating.

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