EU-Workshop ...
Lecture slides
Barabaschi, P., The Broader Approach Projects (.ppt)
Becoulet, A., Association EURATOM - CEA (.ppt)
Cercek, M., Contribution to EU fusion programme 2012 - 2020, Association EURATOM - MHEST (.ppt)
Cesarsky, C., Discussion (.ppt)
Cesarsky, C., Preparing the European fusion roadmap for FP8 and beyond (.ppt)
Cowley, S., CCFE -- Strategy - Vision - Roadmap (.pdf)
Donne, T., Rapp, J., van der Laan, J., Association EURATOM - FOM, Outlook 2010 - 2020 (.ppt)
Drake, J. Swedish Association VR - EURATOM (.pdf)
Ericsson, G., Morris, W., Ongena, J., Zohm, H., Roadmap Objective 2 "Secure ITER Operation" Initial report (.ppt)
European Commission, EU - Building an Innovation Union (.ppt)
Federici, G., F4E needs (facilities and expertise) for ITER construction (.pdf)
Galkowski, A., Association Euratom-IPPLM (.ppt)
Garderet, P., Involvement of industry (.ppt)
Gnesotto, F., Ongena J., Rapp J., STAC AHG Report on Objective 1: ITER construction (.ppt)
Goncalves, B., Euratom Fusion Programme, IST (.ppt)
Guenter, S., IPP programme till 2019 (.pdf)
Hesch, K., KIT Objectives in Fusion by 2020 (.ppt)
Hizanidis, K., Association EURATOM Hellenic Republic (and CYPRUS) (HELLAS) (.ppt)
Karttunen, S. and Tala, T., Tekes Contribution to European Fusion Roadmap, VTT (.ppt)
Lackner, K., Subprojects of IFERC (.ppt)
Mc Carty, P., Combined Contributions of University College Cork and Dublin City University for Association Euratom - DCU (.pdf)
Möslang, A., et al., IFMIF in the Context of Materials Research (.ppt)
Möslang, A., et al., STAC AHG Report on Objective 4: Fusion Power Plants (.ppt)
Pavlo, P., Composition of EURATOM / IPP.CR (.ppt)
Pitts, R., Campbell, D., Priority issues in ITER physics R&D (.ppt)
Pizzuto, A., Gnesotto, F., Lontano, M., The Italian Association View and Role on 8FP Raod Maps (.ppt)
Rasmussen J., Contribution from Association EURATOM - Riso DTU (.pdf)
Romanelli, F., Borba, D., Federici, G., Horton, L., The role of EFDA activities in the European Fusion Roadmap (.ppt)
Samm, U. Association EURATOM - FZJ (.ppt)
Sanchez, J., Spanish Fusion Programme - Strategic view, CIEMAT (.ppt)
Sanchez, J., The way forward: next steps to build the roadmap (.ppt)
Sternbergs, A., AEUL Association EURATOM - University of Latvia (.ppt)
Tran, M. Q., DEMO R&D needs (.ppt)
Tran, M. Q., The Swiss Association vision for the period 2012 - 2020, CRPP, (.ppt)
Troev, T., Bulgarian EURATOM - INRNE Fusion Association (.ppt)
Uspuras, E., Rimkevicius, S., EURATOM / LEI FP8 and beyond (.ppt)
Van Schoor, M., Massaut, V., Carati, D., Association EURATOM - Belgian State (.ppt)
Veres, G., Strategic objectives of Association - HAS until 2020 (.ppt)
Weber, H., Association EURATOM - ÖAW (.ppt)
Zoletnik, S., Lalousis, P., Zonca F., Summary of Objective 3: "Generation ITER" (.ppt)