What has to be done during the three years HEPP programme?
The PhD programme can be entered after the acquisition of either a master's or a diploma degree in physics or computer science or a similar degree.
Central to the PhD programme is the writing of a doctoral thesis. For this, the student chooses a primary adademic supervisor from one of the working groups of the HEPP partners, and a second supervisor/mentor.
In the three years programme the PhD candidate has to to take part in subject-related courses (seminars, special lectures, summer/winter academies, etc.) for the equivalent of at least 6 semester hours (SWS) altogether, spread over the entire duration of the doctoral project. Furtheron, at least one article is expected to be submitted for publication in a reviewed journal or for the proceedings of an international conference with peer-review procedures.
The thesis can be written in English, and the oral examination can be conducted in English as well.