The HEPP Seminar, taking place bi-weekly during the semesters, is the platform for all HEPP students for scientific presentations and discussions.
In the HEPP Seminar, mainly students in the second year of their PhD give talks about the current state of their research activities. In each seminar one talk from Garching students and one talk from Greifswald students will be given, a video conference connecting the two HEPP sites.
According to the HEPP rules the attendance of the seminar programme is obligatory. In case one can not join single seminars the HEPP office has to be informed.
The current time table for the seminar programme can be downloaded here.
General Guidelines for the seminar talks
- One should target a wide audience, consisting of differnet kinds of physicists, material scientists, and even mathematicians / computer scientists). The speaker should try to put himself/herself in their shoes and strive for maximum accessibility.
Thus, a HEPP talk should be fundamentally different from presentations within the immediate working environment, and the slides should reflect this. The goal is to get the heart of one's research problem without getting lost in technicalities or acronyms. - The talk should be given within the 20 minute limit. The chairman gives a 5-minute warning after 15 minutes.
HEPP students who are registered at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) also can participate in additional courses of the TUM Graduate School. The respective Course Programme has been written in collaboration with TUM-GS partner institutions.