Numerical Methods for the Kinetic Equations of Plasma Physics (NumKin2017)
- Start: Oct 23, 2017
- End: Oct 27, 2017
- Location: Garching
- Host: IPP
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together a small number of specialists in the development of numerical methods for collisionless and collisional kinetic equations, and discuss the current evolutions in the field.
It will also be the annual general meeting of the EUROFusion Enabling Research project on Verification and development of new algorithms for gyrokinetic codes and a meeting of the EUROFusion Enabling Research project on Turbulent and Neoclassical Transport in tokamak plasmas (TNT).
There will also be a meeting of the Work package on Fusion of the Energy Oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE) established within the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission.

The last day of the Meeting, Friday 27 October, will be devoted to the SeLaLib library.
Scientific Organizers:
Xavier Garbet (CEA Cadarache)
Yanick Sarazin (CEA Cadarache)
Eric Sonnendrücker (IPP)
Invited Speakers
- Ameres, Jakob (IPP Garching)
- Biancalani, Alessandro (IPP Garching)
- Bostan, Mihai (U. Aix Marseille)
- Bottino, Alberto (IPP Garching)
- Campos-Pinto, Martin (CNRS-LJLL-UPMC)
- Caschera, Elisabetta (CEA Cadarache)
- Crandall, Paul (IPP Garching)
- Crestetto, Anaïs (LMJL U. Nantes)
- Despres, Bruno (LJLL-UPMC)
- Donnel, Peter (CEA Cadarache)
- Filbet, Francis (U. Toulouse)
- Garbet, Xavier (CEA Cadarache)
- Ghendrih, Philippe (CEA Cadarache)
- Gravier, Etienne (IJL CNRS U. Lorraine)
- Güçlü, Yaman (IPP Garching)
- Helluy, Philippe (U. Strasbourg)
- Hesthaven, Jan (EPFL)
- Idouakass, Malik (IJL CNRS U. Lorraine)
- Kormann, Katharina (IPP Garching)
- Kraus, Michael (IPP Garching)
- Lakhlili, Jalal (IPP Garching)
- Latu, Guillaume (CEA Cadarache)
- Leerink, Susan (Aalto U.)
- Marandet, Yannick (CNRS U. Aix Marseille)
- Mauriya, Adwiteey (IST U. Lisbon)
- Negulescu, Claudia (U. Toulouse)
- Peeters, Arthur (U. Bayreuth)
- Poette, Gael (CEA DAM Ile-de-France)
- Ratnani, Ahmed (IPP Garching)
- Scheinberg, Aaron (SPC Lausanne)
- Speleers, Hendrik (U. Rome Tor Vergata)
- Tronko, Natalia (IPP Garching)
- von Toussaint, Udo (IPP Garching)
Previous NumKin Workshops:
NumKin 2015 Garching
NumKin 2016 Strasbourg