Publications of M. Balden

Journal Article (233)

Journal Article
Mukherjee, S.; Balden, M.; Kötterl, S.; Schweizer, S.; Simon-Weidner, J.; Streibl, B.; Uhlemann, R.: High-intensity non-brazed heat shield for safe steady-state operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 56-57, pp. 303 - 307 (2001)
Journal Article
Paz, P.; García-Rosales, C.; Etxeberria, J.; Balden, M.; Roth, J.; Behrisch, R.: Development of doped graphites for plasma-facing components. Fusion Engineering and Design 56-57, pp. 325 - 330 (2001)
Journal Article
Snead, L. L.; Balden, M.: Reordering and Crystallisation of Silicon Carbide by Neutron Irradiated. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 650, R5.1 (2001)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Mayer, M.: Removal of Deuterium from Co-Deposited Carbon-Silicon Layers. Journal of Nuclear Materials 283-287, pp. 1057 - 1061 (2000)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Roth, J.: Comparison of the Chemical Erosion of Si, C, and SiC under Deuterium Ion Bombardment. Journal of Nuclear Materials 279, pp. 351 - 355 (2000)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Roth, J.: New Weight-Loss Measurements of the Chemical Erosion Yields of Carbon Materials under Hydrogen Ion Bombardment. Journal of Nuclear Materials 280, pp. 39 - 44 (2000)
Journal Article
Balden, M.: Overview on the effects of dopants on chemical erosion and RES of carbon-based materials. Physica Scripta T81, pp. 64 - 69 (1999)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Mayer, M.; Roth, J.: Co-deposition of deuterium with silicon doped carbon. Journal of Nuclear Materials 266-269, pp. 440 - 445 (1999)
Journal Article
Maier, H.; Krieger, K.; Balden, M.; Roth, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Erosion and deposition in the ASDEX Upgrade tungsten divertor experiment. Journal of Nuclear Materials 266, pp. 1003 - 1008 (1999)
Journal Article
Schleußner, D.; Maier, H.; Franzen, P.; Behrisch, R.; Balden, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; Perl, M.; Knapp, W.; Edelmann, C.: Hydrogen isotope inventories in the ASDEX-Upgrade tungsten coated divertor tiles. Journal of Nuclear Materials 266-269, pp. 1296 - 1302 (1999)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; Roth, J.; Wu, C. H.: Thermal Stability and Chemical Erosion of the Silicon Doped CFC Material NS31. Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263, pp. 740 - 744 (1998)
Journal Article
Maier, H.; Kötterl, S.; Krieger, K.; Neu, R.; Balden, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Performance of tungsten coatings as plasma facing components used in ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Nuclear Materials 258-263, pp. 921 - 926 (1998)
Journal Article
Mayer, M.; Balden, M.; Behrisch, R.: Deuterium Retention in Carbides and Doped Graphites. Journal of Nuclear Materials 252, pp. 55 - 62 (1998)

Book Chapter (4)

Book Chapter
Voitsenya, V. S.; Bardamid, A. F.; Balden, M.; Gostin, F.; Khovrich, S. V.; Konovalov, V. G.; Kovtun, K. V.; Lytvyn, P. M.; Ketov, S. V.; Luzguine-Luzgin, D. V. et al.; Solodovchenko, S. I.; Shapoval, A. N.; Shtan', A. F.; Bondarenko, V. N.; Ruzhkov, I. V.; Skoryk, O. O.; Vasil'ev, A. A.: On the Prospects of Using Metallic Glasses for In-vessel Mirrors for Plasma Diagnostics in ITER. In: Metallic Glasses – Formation and Properties, pp. 135 - 167 (Ed. Movahedi, B.). InTech, Rijeka (2016)
Book Chapter
Herrmann, A.; Balden, M.; Rasinski, M.; Bolt, H.: Stress state, texture, phase and morphology analysis of thin graded W/Cu coatings on tungsten and their thermal behaviour in fusion application. In: 1st International Conference on New Materials for Extreme Environments, pp. 198 - 203 (Eds. Linsmeier, C.; Reinelt, M.). Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Stafa-Zurich (2009)
Book Chapter
Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.: XAFS investigation of metal-doped carbon films. In: HASYLAB Jahresbericht 2007. Part 1, pp. 907 - 908. HASYLAB, Hamburg (2007)
Book Chapter
Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.: First results of XAS studies on annealed vanadium doped amorphous carbon layers. In: HASYLAB Annual Report 2005, pp. 341 - 342 (Ed. DESY, Hamburg) (2006)

Conference Paper (23)

Conference Paper
Siemroth, P.; Pursch, H.; Laux, M.; Sachtleben, J.; Balden, M.; Rohde, V.; Neu, R.: Properties of Droplets Emitted from Vacuum Arc Cathodes Made of Copper, Tungsten and Titanium. In: ISDEIV 2020: Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, pp. 206 - 209. 29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV 2020), Padova, Virtual, September 26, 2021 - September 30, 2021. IEEE, New York, NY (2021)
Conference Paper
Rohde, V.; Balden, M.; Neu, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Erosion of plasma facing components by arcing at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.113. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Müller, A. v.; Schlick, G.; Anstätt, C.; Balden, M.; Luca, R. d.; Neu, R.; Seidel, C.; You, J.-H.: Microstructural investigations of tungsten manufactured by means of laser beam melting. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies – iCAT 2016, pp. 61 - 66 (Eds. Drstvensek, I.; Drummer, D.; Schmidt, M.). 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies iCAT 2016, Nürnberg, November 29, 2016 - November 30, 2016. Interesansa – zavod, Ljubljana (2016)
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