Highlights 2020
- 27.1.2020: Tungsten-copper composite materials for plasma-facing components
- 19.2.2020: Four young E2M scientists receive EUROfusion grants
- 23.04.2020: Experimental validation for turbulence widening the plasma-wall-interaction area
- 08.07.2020: How does the I-mode function?
- 3.9.2020: Liquid Tin as a Divertor Material
- 22.9.2020: SOFT Innovation Prize for Alexander von Müller
- 22.10.2020: New insights into I-mode plasmas: pedestal relaxation events
- 7.12.2020: Is There a Crystal Orientation where the Sputter Yield Corresponds to Amorphous Material?
- 15.12.2020: Drastic Increase of Radiated Power due to Neutral Hydrogen