17. Career Dialogue "Elisabetha Sytova"

Career Dialogue

  • Datum: 13.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 15:30 - 16:30
  • Vortragende: Lisa Sytova
  • Ort: Zoom
  • Raum: For zoom details write an email to careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management.

Lisa worked as a PhD student and postdoc at IPP. Since 2021 she works now as a consultant at d-fine. In her consulting career, she worked on a project for a clearing house on software update testing for the interest rate transition. Lisa will tell about her experience of working in the financial industry with a background in physics and how her experience from PhD and postdoc is helping her in the new job. She will also tell about her experience of job search after postdoc.

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