Publikationen von Y. Feng

Konferenzbeitrag (104)

Feng, Y.; Sardei, F.; Kisslinger, J.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Reiter, D.: Physics and Modeling of the W7-AS Island Divertor. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator Workshop. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. (2003)
Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Feng, Y.; Werner, A.; König, R.; Brakel, R.; Burhenn, R.; Ehmler, H.; Gadelmeier, F.; Giannone, L. et al.; Hildebrandt, D.; Hirsch, M.; Jaenicke, R.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Narayanan, R.; Naujoks, D.; Niedermeyer, H.; Thomsen, H.; Sardei, F.; Wagner, F.; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Behaviour of the W7-AS island divertor. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator Workshop. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. (2003)
König, R.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Feng, Y.; Ehmler, H.; Gadelmeier, F.; Giannone, L.; Hildebrandt, D.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T. et al.; Komori, A.; Masuzaki, S.; Matsuoka, K.; Mioduszewski, P.; Morisaki, T.; Naujoks, D.; Obiki, T.; Ohyabu, N.; Ramasubramanian, N.; Renner, H.; Sardei, F.; Thomsen, H.; Wagner, F.; Wenzel, U.; Werner, A.: Divertors for Helical Devices: Concepts, Plans, Results, and Problems. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator Workshop. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. (2003)
Ramasubramanian, N.; König, R.; Wenzel, U.; Thomsen, H.; McCormick, K.; Grigull, P.; Feng, Y.; Klinger, T.; John, A.; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Recombination dominated hydrogenic emission from the detached plasmas in W7-AS. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator Workshop. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. (2003)
Sharma, D.; Feng, Y.; Sardei, F.; Grote, H.; Grigull, P.; Renner, H.: Optimization of the W7-X pumping system. In: 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, P-1.14 (Hg. Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.). 30th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, St. Petersburg (RU), 07. Juli 2003 - 11. Juli 2003. European Physical Society, Geneva (2003)
Thomsen, H.; Feng, Y.; Grigull, P.; König, R.; McCormick, K.; Ramasubramanian, N.; Wenzel, U.; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Spatio-temporal behaviour of asymmetric non-stationary radiation in the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator Workshop. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, 22. September 2003 - 26. September 2003. (2003)
Wagner, F.; Burhenn, R.; Gadelmeier, F.; Geiger, J.; Hirsch, M.; Laqua, H. P.; Weller, A.; Werner, A.; Bäumel, S.; Baldzuhn, J. et al.; Brakel, R.; Dinklage, A.; Grigull, P.; Endler, M.; Erckmann, V.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Fischer, R.; Giannone, L.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Hildebrandt, D.; Holzhauer, E.; Igitkhanov, Y.; Jaenicke, R.; Kick, M.; Kislyakov, A.; Kreter, A.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Klose, S.; Knauer, J. P.; König, R.; Kühner, G.; Maassberg, H.; McCormick, K.; Naujoks, D.; Niedermeyer, H.; Nührenberg, C.; Pasch, E.; Ramasubramanian, N.; Rust, N.; Sallander, E.; Sardei, F.; Wenzel, U.; Wobig, H.; Würsching, E.; Zarnstorff, M.; Zoletnik, S.; W7-AS Team: Major results from Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator. In: Fusion Energy 2002, OV/2-4. 19th Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon (FR), 14. Oktober 2002 - 19. Oktober 2002. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2003)
Feng, Y.; Sardei, F.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Kisslinger, J.; Giannone, L.; Reiter, D.; Igitkhanov, Y.: Transport study on the W7-AS island divertor. Physics, modelling and comparison to experiment. In: 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Contributed Papers, O-1.06 (Hg. Behn, R.; Varandas, C.). 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, 17. Juni 2002 - 21. Juni 2002. European Physical Society, Geneva (2002)
Feng, Y.; Sardei, F.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Kisslinger, J.; Reiter, D.; Igitkhanov, Y.: Island Divertor Physics and 3D Transport Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Plasma Physics Princeton Lab., Princeton (2002)
Gadelmeier, F.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Brakel, R.; Burhenn, R.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Giannone, L.; Hartmann, D.; Hildebrandt, D. et al.; Jaenicke, R.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Knauer, J.-P.; König, R.; Naujoks, D.; Pasch, E.; Sardei, F.; Wagner, F.; Wenzel, U.; Werner, A.; W7-AS Team: Island divertor experiments on the W7-AS stellarator. In: 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Contributed Papers, P-3.212 (Hg. Behn, R.; Varandas, C.). 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, 17. Juni 2002 - 21. Juni 2002. European Physical Society, Geneva (2002)
Giannone, L.; McCormick, K.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brakel, R.; Burhenn, R.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Grigull, P.; Knauer, J.; Pasch, E. et al.; Narayanan, R.; Rust, N.; W7-AS Team: Bolometer tomography and density limit of the high density H-mode in the W7-AS Stellarator. In: 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Contributed Papers, P-5.002 (Hg. Behn, R.; Varandas, C.). 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, 17. Juni 2002 - 21. Juni 2002. European Physical Society, Geneva (2002)
Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Baldzuhn, J.; Burhenn, R.; Brakel, R.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Gadelmeier, F.; Giannone, L.; Hartmann, D. et al.; Hildebrandt, D.; Hirsch, M.; Jaenicke, R.; Kisslinger, J.; Knauer, J.; König, R.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H.; Naujoks, D.; Niedermeyer, H.; Ramasubramanian, N.; Rust, N.; Sardei, F.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.; Wenzel, U.; W7-AS Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: First island divertor experiments on the W7-AS stellarator. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Plasma Physics Princeton Lab., Princeton (2002)
Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Burhenn, R.; Brakel, R.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Gadelmeier, F.; Giannone, L.; Hildebrandt, D.; Jaenicke, R. et al.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Knauer, J.; König, R.; Kühner, G.; Naujoks, D.; Niedermeyer, H.; Pasch, E.; Ramasubramanian, N.; Rust, N.; Sardei, F.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.; Wenzel, U.; W7-AS Team: The Impact of the New Island Divertor on the Plasma Performance in the W7-AS Stellarator. In: Frontiers in Plasma Confinement and Related Engineering / Plasma Science, S. 118 - 123 (Hg. Nishimura, K.; Inagaki, S.; Sanuki, H.; Yamazaki, K.). Joint Conference of 12th International Toki Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-12) and 3rd General Scientific Assembly of Asia Plasma and Fusion Association (APFA '01), Toki, 11. Dezember 2001 - 14. Dezember 2001. Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research (2002)
Jaenicke, R.; Bäumel, S.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brakel, R.; Burhenn, R.; Ehmler, H.; Endler, M.; Erckmann, V.; Feng, Y.; Gadelmeier, F. et al.; Geiger, J.; Giannone, L.; Grigull, P.; Hartfuß, H.-J.; Hartmann, D.; Hildebrandt, D.; Hirsch, M.; Holzhauer, E.; Kick, M.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Klose, S.; Knauer, J.; König, R.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H.; Maaßberg, H.; McCormick, K.; Narayanan, R.; Niedermeyer, H.; Pasch, E.; Ruhs, N.; Rust, N.; Saffert, J.; Sardei, F.; Schneider, F.; Schubert, M.; Speth, E.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.; Wenzel, U.; Werner, A.; Würsching, E.: Overview on recent W7-AS results. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop, OI.6. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Princeton Plasma Physics Lab., Princeton (2002)
McCormick, K.; Grigull, P.; Burhenn, R.; Brakel, R.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Gadelmeier, F.; Giannone, L.; Hildebrandt, D.; Hirsch, M. et al.; Jaenicke, R.; Kisslinger, J.; Klinger, T.; Klose, S.; Knauer, J.-P.; König, R.; Kühner, G.; Laqua, H. P.; Narayanan, R.; Naujoks, D.; Niedermeyer, H.; Pasch, E.; Rust, N.; Sardei, F.; Wagner, F.; Weller, A.; Wenzel, U.; Werner, A.: Plasma performance of Wendelstein 7-AS with the new boundary-island divertor modules. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop, OIV.4. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Plasma Physics Princeton Lab., Princeton (2002)
Ramasubramanian, N.; König, R.; Grigull, P.; McCormick, K.; Giannone, L.; Feng, Y.; John, A.; Schweer, B.; Brix, M.; W7-AS Team: Spectroscopic characterization of W7-AS island divertor plasmas. In: 29th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Contributed Papers, P-5.034 (Hg. Behn, R.; Varandas, C.). 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Montreux, 17. Juni 2002 - 21. Juni 2002. European Physical Society, Geneva (2002)
Feng, Y.; Sardei, F.; Kisslinger, J.; Reiter, D.; Igitkhanov, Y. L.: Numerical Studies on Impurity Transport in the W7-AS Island Divertor. In: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Contributed Paper, S. 1949 - 1952 (Hg. Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.). 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Funchal, 18. Juni 2001 - 22. Juni 2001. European Physical Society, Geneva (2001)
Gadelmeier, F.; Feng, Y.; Grigull, P.; Giannone, L.; Kisslinger, J.; Knauer, J.; McCormick, K.; König, R.; Werner, A.; Wagner, F. et al.; Wenzel, U.; W7-AS Team: Conditions for Island Divertor Operation in the W7-AS Stellarator. In: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Contributed Paper, S. 2085 - 2088 (Hg. Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.). 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Funchal, 18. Juni 2001 - 22. Juni 2001. European Physical Society, Geneva (2001)
McCormick, K.; Grigull, P.; Ehmler, H.; Feng, Y.; Haas, G.; Knauer, J.; W7-AS Team: Neutral Compression in the W7-AS Stellarator Divertor. In: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics. Contributed Paper, S. 2097 - 2100 (Hg. Silva, C.; Varandas, C.; Campbell, D.). 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Funchal, 18. Juni 2001 - 22. Juni 2001. European Physical Society, Geneva (2001)
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