HEPP-Seminar 2016

Raum: 8.2-001 Ort: IPP Greifswald

Career Paths in and outside Academia

HEPP Seminar
Due to the growing competitive pressure and often precarious employment at the academic job market, many scientists see themselves confronted with the quest for alternative career paths in management, industry, and other fields. At the same time, many scientists feel that their skills and expertise gained during their PhD are mainly important only for a career within the academic system and less valuable to the job market outside academia. As a result, scientists often have a limited view on the various career opportunities that exist inside and outside the academic world. This seminar aims at supporting participants in getting to know different academic career paths and career options in the public, industry, and economy sector. Participants will be enabled to identify their personal interests and motives as well as to recognize and define their ‘market value’. Focusing on this reflection, the seminar will support scientists to pursue their own choiceof career based on inner conviction and future perspectives. The seminar will focus particularly on the German academic and non-academic job market. Day 1 of the seminar will take place as a workshop. Day 2 is dedicated to individual counseling sessions (à 30 - 45 min) for each participant (individual appointments will be made). [mehr]
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