HEPP-Seminar 2019

Raum: Seminarraum L5 Ort: Garching

Public Speaking Training / Resonance Voice Training

HEPP Seminar
  • Start 10:00
  • Datum: 17.05.2019
  • Uhrzeit: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Vortragende(r): Wiebke Renner
  • Wiebke is a Resonance Trainer, Coach (CPCC, PCC), Faculty Member of The Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and Facilitator for the NNI Dialogue Institute. In her work as a voice trainer, Wiebke combines the principles of Resonance Training and coaching with her professional experience of more than 10 years as an opera singer. She is the first Resonance Trainer who has adapted the principles of Applied Physiology of Music to Public Speaking. She has successfully coached TEDx speakers, teachers in the academic field and leaders in the creative industries. Wiebke is passionate about helping others embrace and express their authentic selves. She brings compassion and dedication to her work, making her an engaging, creative and accommodating trainer.
  • Ort: Garching
  • Raum: Seminarraum L5
  • Gastgeber: HEPP
  • Kontakt: hepp@ipp.mpg.de
Workshop to enhance your physical and vocal presence in public speaking Resonance Training enables speakers to more effectively engage with their audience by optimizing their vocal delivery. Whether you are a leader, trainer, performer or a regular presenter, Resonance Voice Training will help you build • presence and impact • trust and confidence • a compelling delivery You will learn how to • overcome stage fright • connect and engage more effectively with your audience • use your voice powerfully and effortlessly. [mehr]

Time and Self-Management

HEPP Seminar
2-day workshop for up to 12 PhD candidates or postdocs on entitled “Time and Self-Management” comprising of topics from the “menu” below [mehr]

PhD Supervisor Training

HEPP Seminar

Presentation Skills for Scientists

HEPP Seminar
Presenting your results is part of being a scientist: in your group seminar, on a conference, for your PhD defense or for general public. How can you do this convincingly? [mehr]

Good Scientific Practice (for PhD students)

HEPP Seminar
The important topic covers a substantially wider spectrum of scientific conduct: dealing with data (including checking, recording, ownership and storage), the publishing process and authorship, responsible supervision, academic cooperation, confirmation bias, conflicts of interest and dealing with conflicts. Inappropriate academic behaviour includes inventing or faking data, violating intellectual property (theft of ideas or plagiarism), and sabotaging the research of others. [mehr]
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