HEPP-Seminar 2019

Ort: Greifswald

PhD Supervisor Training

HEPP Seminar

Time and Self-Management

HEPP Seminar
2-day workshops for up to 12 PhD candidates or postdocs on entitled “Time and Self-Management” comprising of topics from the “menu” below [mehr]

Speak your science - How to give better conference talks in English

HEPP Seminar
Giving a presentation puts you on public display. In many ways your research reputation will be enhanced or diminished. Thus, effective communication of scientific knowledge is an essential component of any career in science. Increasingly, the ability to present one’s research in English is becoming ever more important for scientists of all disciplines. [mehr]

Good Scientific Practice (for PhD students)

HEPP Seminar
The important topic covers a substantially wider spectrum of scientific conduct: dealing with data (including checking, recording, ownership and storage), the publishing process and authorship, responsible supervision, academic cooperation, confirmation bias, conflicts of interest and dealing with conflicts. Inappropriate academic behaviour includes inventing or faking data, violating intellectual property (theft of ideas or plagiarism), and sabotaging the research of others. [mehr]

Presentation Skills for Scientists

HEPP Seminar
Presenting your results is part of being a scientist: in your group seminar, on a conference, for your PhD defense or for general public. How can you do this convincingly? [mehr]
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