HEPP-Seminar 2020

Vortragender: Karen Pommois Gastgeber: HEPP

Hybrid driftkinetic-kinetic implementations and simulations for uniform magnetized space plasma

HEPP Colloquium
Kinetic numerical simulations, applied to study local heating in the solar wind, are computationally expensive due to the different evolution scales involved in the dynamics. Therefore, simplified models, such as hybrid fluid-kinetic and gyrokinetic, are widely employed. Gyrokinetics is missing waves with frequencies above the cyclotron frequencies of the species involved and can be applied only to cases of strong magnetization and where the magnetic moment is conserved. Instead, the hybrid-fluid model is missing electron kinetic effects, which can be important even at ion scales (Told et al., New J. Phys. 2016).Consequently, we are working on a new computationally lighter hybrid model, composed of kinetic ions and gyrokinetic electrons. As a first step, we are considering driftkinetic electrons and uniform magnetic field. The distribution functions are evolved through semilagrangian schemes separately for ions and electrons and coupled through the field, computed using a domain decomposition method and an iterative scheduled relaxation method. We have perfomed turbulence simulations and analysed them in detail to compare them with linear results and with previous works (Tatsuno et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009). [mehr]
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