HEPP-Seminar 2020

Vortragender: Mathias Bösl

PICLS: a gyrokinetic full-f particle-in-cell code for open field line simulations

HEPP Colloquium
While in recent years, gyrokinetic simulations have become the workhorse for theoretical turbulence and transport studies in the plasma core, their application to the edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) region presents significant challenges. The ``full-f" code PICLS has been developed, to in particular study the SOL region with its steep density and temperature gradients as well as large fluctuation amplitudes. PICLS is based on an electrostatic full-f model with a linearized field equation and uses kinetic electrons. The electrostatic potential is calculated via the polarization equation, with the help of B-spline finite-elements for the charge deposition and the field solver. In this talk, we will introduce the PICLS model and show our results of applying it to the well-studied 1D parallel transport problem during an edge-localized mode (ELM) for the non-collisional and collisional case. Our current progress on extending PICLS towards three spatial domains, will be presented and key features for the 3D extension, such as field solver and particle pusher, will be shown. [mehr]
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