HEPP-Seminar 2020

Vortragender: Teobaldo Luda

Integrated modeling of ASDEX Upgrade plasmas combining core, pedestal and scrape-off layer physics

HEPP Colloquium
A new integrated modelling approach has been developed allowing the prediction of the kinetic profiles of tokamak plasmas from magnetic axis to separatrix only using global parameters as inputs. In particular, a new pedestal transport model, based on empirical observations from multiple devices, is included in the ASTRA transport code and applied in combination with the TGLF and NCLASS modules for core turbulent and neoclassical transport. A simple but realistic scrape-off layer model computes the separatrix boundary conditions as function of the main engineering parameters. In this way, no information from kinetic profile measurements is required as input of the integrated modelling workflow, and the only inputs of the model are the magnetic field, the plasma current, the heating power, the fueling rate, and the plasma geometry. The pedestal top pressure is determined using the MISHKA MHD stability code. This automated modeling is applied to 50 stationary ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas. Changes in pedestal structure and core gradients, produced by variations in many operational parameters, are well captured by the model. The predicted stored energies are in better agreement with the experimental observations than those obtained by the IPB98(y,2) scaling law [mehr]
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