HEPP-Seminar 2022

Raum: Zoom Ort: online

Shaping your Future: Career Development

Career Center Workshop
Do I stay in academia and become a professor? What else is out there? After the PhD there are many different options for scientists within but also outside of academia. [mehr]

Introduction to MPCDF services

MPCDF Workshop
This introductory course helps new users with the first steps on the MPCDF systems. It covers login, file systems, HPC systems, SLURM, and the MPCDF services remote visualization, Jupyter notebooks and datashare. Basic knowledge of Linux is required. [mehr]

Project management for Scientists! (Postdocs)

Career Center Workshop
Manage your Research Projects successfully! Project and Self-Management for Postdocs [mehr]

GitLab at MPCDF

MPCDF Workshop
GitLab instance will be introduced, addressing its known and less-well-known features [mehr]

Introduction to MPCDF Services (MPCDF)

MPCDF Workshop
How to start with the MPCDF systems and services [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Job Applications"

Career Center Workshop
Presentation of the skills and experience appropriate to the target occupation. [mehr]

Basics of Professional Coding

Career Center Workshop
The course ‘Basics of Professional Coding’ will take place for the second time this year. The Career Center for Postdocs at IPP together with the MPCDF offer a course on professional coding with a focus on Python, in which you can learn about the basics of good programming style, software engineering, documentation, testing, debugging, good visualisation and version control. [mehr]

Advanced HPC Workshop

MPCDF Workshop
introduction into the usage of the version control system git and the features of MPCDF gitlab and the usage of the Continuous Integration (CI) features of it. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Research Articles"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 09.12.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Dr. Tomoko Kurihara
  • Tomoko grew up in the US, Japan and the UK. She studied Anthropology at University College London and completed her PhD research in Anthropology and Sociology of Japan at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. After gaining postdoctoral research experience at London School of Economics and Cambridge University, she worked in the automotive industry as an intellectual property manager. Tomoko has published a monograph among other writings. Since 2016, she has been teaching academic writing at the Sprachenzentrum, University of Greifswald, to early-career researchers. She also offers courses in Japanese. As a Japanese to English translator she has contributed to BBC documentaries.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
Clear and logical writing—this is vital for academic writers. [mehr]
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