Wall Forum 2022

Vortragender: Michael Klimenkov

Modern analytical transmission microscopy on neutron irradiated materials at IAM-AWP (KIT)

Wall Forum
The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is the perfect tool for the structural and chemical characterization of metallic materials at the nanoscale. It is one of the few techniques capable of resolving nanosized precipitates and determining their composition and structure, as well as visualizing structural defects such as dislocations. The imaging using high angular dark field (HAADF) technique as well as analysis using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), has provided the comprehensive characterization of the materials microstructure. The application of advanced TEM methods to fusion-relevant materials at IAM-AWP includes the microstructural examination of neutron irradiated alloys of EUROFER type, beryllium and tungsten.The effect of neutron irradiation up to 16 dpa damage dose and on the microstructure of EUROFER-ODS (0.5% Y2O3) was compared to that of pure EUROFER97 irradiated under the same conditions. The study allows to determine the influence of ODS particles and their morphology on radiation resistance. Analysis of neutron irradiated beryllium detected and analyzed the presence of transmutation induced helium and tritium inside the alloy. Application of 2D elemental analysis of neutron-irradiated W supports the conclusion that transmutation-induced Re and Os segregate differently on the structural defects. All these results contribute significantly to the understanding of structural damage, provide valuable approaches for theoretical modelling, and allow conclusions concerning applicability of analysed materials in fusion reactor. [mehr]
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