HEPP-Seminar 2023

Gastgeber: Career Center

CC-Workshop "Writing Journal Articles"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 13.01.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Dr. Tomoko Kurihara
  • Tomoko grew up in the US, Japan and the UK. She studied Anthropology at University College London and completed her PhD research in Anthropology and Sociology of Japan at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. After gaining postdoctoral research experience at London School of Economics and Cambridge University, she worked in the automotive industry as an intellectual property manager. Tomoko has published a monograph among other writings. Since 2016, she has been teaching academic writing at the Sprachenzentrum, University of Greifswald, to early-career researchers. She also offers courses in Japanese. As a Japanese to English translator she has contributed to BBC documentaries.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
You have to write a journal article or thesis but don’t know where to start? [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Feedback Training - a first look inside"

Career Center Workshop
learn about types of feedback and recognise them in typical work situations [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Proposal writing: How to create promising grant applications"

Career Center Workshop
  • Beginn: 26.01.2023 13:30
  • Ende: 27.01.2023 12:30
  • Vortragender: Andreas Schulte
  • Andreas Schulte, Gießen, studied philosophy and German philology in Heidelberg as well as journalism at the University of Hohenheim. He has been active in science management for over ten years, since 2010 as a research advisor at the Justus Liebig University Giessen. Here he is responsible for research funding and advice for researchers applying for third party funding. This includes both funding for individual research as well as acquisition and implementation of larger joint research projects. He focuses especially on the financial support for junior researchers.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
How to create promising grant applications Thur, 26 Jan 2023, 13:30-17:00Fri, 27 Jan 2023, 09:00-12:30 [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Feedback Training - a deeper look"

Career Center Workshop
learn about types of feedback and recognise them in typical work situations [mehr]

16. Career Dialogue "Florian Merz, Lenovo"

Career Dialogue
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management. [mehr]

17. Career Dialogue "Elisabetha Sytova"

Career Dialogue
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Writing Abstracts"

Career Center Workshop
  • postponed
  • Datum: 21.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Vortragende: Dr. Tomoko Kurihara
  • Tomoko grew up in the US, Japan and the UK. She studied Anthropology at University College London and completed her PhD research in Anthropology and Sociology of Japan at School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. After gaining postdoctoral research experience at London School of Economics and Cambridge University, she worked in the automotive industry as an intellectual property manager. Tomoko has published a monograph among other writings. Since 2016, she has been teaching academic writing at the Sprachenzentrum, University of Greifswald, to early-career researchers. She also offers courses in Japanese. As a Japanese to English translator she has contributed to BBC documentaries.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
Is it time to write your abstract for the journal article you’ve just finished or for an upcoming conference? [mehr]

Career Day: Transition Possible - Recruiting Postdocs in Industry

Career Day
Look forward to panel discussions, networking opportunities and get in touch with renowned international companies from sectors like Automobile, Aerospace, IT, Bioscience, Steel and many more. On top of it all you can choose one out of different workshops to best be prepared for your switch into industry! [mehr]

CC-Workshop "LinkedIn - an agile approach"

Career Center Workshop
How to use the algorithms, so the job finds you: how to ‘skill’ search for a job (An AGILE job hunt approach using LinkedIn and other digital platforms) [mehr]

18. Career Dialogue "Felician Pier, Qimia GmbH"

Career Dialogue
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management. [mehr]

19. Career Dialogue "Karla Kauffmann"

Career Dialogue
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Next Level Scientific Writing with AI"

Career Center Workshop
AI-based tools are a next level valuable asset for scientific writing, but it is important for researchers to use them judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Time management in academia - Aligning time and goals"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 20.09.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Annette Kolb, golin Wissenschaftsmanagement Berlin
  • Professor Dr. Annette Kolb, Bad Camberg, is a biologist with 20 years’ of experience in research and teaching. Until 2014 she was an associate professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. She has published more than 50 scientific articles and has extensive experience in project management and fundraising. In 2008 she was awarded the 1822 University Prize for Excellent Teaching. Currently, she works as a science coach and trainer with a focus on academic career development.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
Teaching, part time work, professional development, private arrangements and not least the research: Time pressure results in many things only being half done. In the end there is not enough time for the important tasks and you are left with the uncomfortable feeling of again not having managed everything. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Neurotraining gegen Stresss"

Career Center Workshop
Durch die meist sitzende Arbeit vor Bildschirmen und persönliche Krankheitsgeschichten ist unser Gehirn permanent damit beschäftigt dies auszugleichen, so dass wir ein Leben ohne Einschränkungen führen können. Für die Kompensation benötigt das Gehirn Energie, dass uns nicht für Leistung zur Verfügung steht. [mehr]

20. Career Dialogue "Kinga Horvath and Wladimir Kornilow"

Career Dialogue
For the Career Dialogue we invite people with different backgrounds who will initially tell about themselves, their career or their networks and will then answer your questions and engage in a dialogue with you. The purpose of the Career Dialogue is to provide insight into different career paths, to bring you in contact with people outside IPP and to enhance our networks in all directions - science, industry, entrepreneurship, science management. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Career Strategies - accompanying the doctorate"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 20.10.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende: Jacqueline von Saldern, golin Wissenschaftsmanagement, Berlin
  • Jacqueline von Saldern, Munich, is a trainer and career counsellor since 2006 with a special focus on international senior and mid-career professionals in the fields of public policy, development, academia and non-profit. Her topics of expertise include career development, profiling, leadership, networking, conflict management, and intercultural communication. Thereby her special focus is directed toward empowerment of women. She herself held leadership positions within the NGO sector for 15 years, most recently as executive director of the Tönissteiner Kreis, associate director of the American Academy and project manager of the Robert Bosch Foundation. With a German-American background raised bilingually in New York and over 30 years of international experience she works in both languages.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
The transition from the doctorate to the next position is a crucial phase in your life that may have a lot of influence on your future career. But for many PhD candidates hitting the home straight and just about to finish their doctorate, it is difficult to develop a clear perspective for what should come next. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Project management for physicists"

Career Center Workshop
The lecture series with discussion of exercises / assignments consists of five dates:Wed, 25 Oct. 2023, 09:00 a.m.Thur, 02. Nov 2023, 09:00 a.m.Thur, 09. Nov. 2023, 09:00 a.m.Thur, 16. Nov. 2023, 09:00 a.m.Thur, 23. Nov. 2023, 09:00 a.m. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Voice & language"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 24.11.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende: Franziska Trischler, golin Wissenschaftmanagement, Berlin
  • Franziska Trischler, Freiburg, was born in the United States, moved to Germany in her early childhood and graduated at the University of Koblenz-Landau, majoring in Sprechwissenschaft [speech science and interpersonal communication] in 2009. She has been working as a freelance communication trainer for 12 years, giving individual lessons, workshops and seminars in the areas of rhetoric, recitation, voice training and interpersonal communication. She is also an academic staff member for speech and interpersonal communication at the Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg and has worked as a lecturer for various universities.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
In academia we are constantly required to speak with and in front of people. These situations can be challenging not just in terms of content but also vocally. [mehr]

CC-Workshop "Improved Reading"

Career Center Workshop
Preparation/motivation for the online course and feedback/questions about it, Reading of scientific or legal texts (if desired, also on the basis of own texts), Concentration, motivation, retentiveness, marking/notes. [mehr]
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