HEPP-Seminar 2023

Vortragender: Jacqueline von Saldern, golin Wissenschaftsmanagement, Berlin Raum: Zoom Ort: online

CC-Workshop "Career Strategies - accompanying the doctorate"

Career Center Workshop
  • Datum: 20.10.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 09:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende: Jacqueline von Saldern, golin Wissenschaftsmanagement, Berlin
  • Jacqueline von Saldern, Munich, is a trainer and career counsellor since 2006 with a special focus on international senior and mid-career professionals in the fields of public policy, development, academia and non-profit. Her topics of expertise include career development, profiling, leadership, networking, conflict management, and intercultural communication. Thereby her special focus is directed toward empowerment of women. She herself held leadership positions within the NGO sector for 15 years, most recently as executive director of the Tönissteiner Kreis, associate director of the American Academy and project manager of the Robert Bosch Foundation. With a German-American background raised bilingually in New York and over 30 years of international experience she works in both languages.
  • Ort: online
  • Raum: Zoom
  • Gastgeber: Career Center
  • Kontakt: careercenter@ipp.mpg.de
The transition from the doctorate to the next position is a crucial phase in your life that may have a lot of influence on your future career. But for many PhD candidates hitting the home straight and just about to finish their doctorate, it is difficult to develop a clear perspective for what should come next. [mehr]
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